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Sanbasō (三番叟)

The dance performed by the kyōgenkata after the dance of the words of happiness of the Okina, the Shinto rituals and plays of prayer, Shiki Sanban (Okina), which must be included in a Noh play. Different Kanji are used to write sanbasō in the Izumi and Okura Schools. Sanbasō include prayers for a bountiful harvest through a requiem, an offering of thanks, a mominodan to harden the ground with multiple beats, and the suzunodan, which is danced wearing the black mask and holding a bell (suzu) to symbolize ears of rice. There are also calls and responses for words of happiness between the black mask and the senzai (or menbakomochi) between the mominodan and suzunodan. The term sanbasō is thought to derive from before the Muromachi era when the Shiki Sanban was played after the chichinojō and Okina, with the third sanban sarugaku becoming sanbasō. While played by the kyōgenkata, it differs from regular kyōgen and is specifically as Shinto ritual performed after the actors have gone through purifying abstention and fasting.

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